NIOS Admission Session 2023-24

Thursday 22 March 2018

Sumedha created a PowerPoint presentation on how citizens can mend their behavior for betterment of the society. She included the concepts like using dustbins and not littering the roads, obeying traffic signals, not indulging into road rage etc. All these slides contain images and text. Now she wants to make some changes in the presentation. You have to help her by writing the steps to do the following: (i) Insert videos in certain slides. (ii) Set timings for slides so that slide show continues automatically. (iii) Apply a theme to the presentation. (iv) Print the slides ( 4 slides per page).

Sumedha created a PowerPoint presentation on how citizens can mend their behavior for
betterment of the society. She included the concepts like using dustbins and not littering the
roads, obeying traffic signals, not indulging into road rage etc. All these slides contain images
and text. Now she wants to make some changes in the presentation. You have to help her by
writing the steps to do the following:
(i) Insert videos in certain slides.
(ii) Set timings for slides so that slide show continues automatically.
(iii) Apply a theme to the presentation.
(iv) Print the slides ( 4 slides per page).

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1 comment:

  1. Sumedha created a PowerPoint presentation on how citizens can mend their behavior for
    betterment of the society. She included the concepts like using dustbins and not littering the
    roads, obeying traffic signals, not indulging into road rage etc. All these slides contain images
    and text. Now she wants to make some changes in the presentation. You have to help her by
    writing the steps to do the following:
    (i) Insert videos in certain slides.
    (ii) Set timings for slides so that slide show continues automatically.
    (iii) Apply a theme to the presentation.
    (iv) Print the slides ( 4 slides per page
